Yoti blog

Stories and insights from the world of digital identity

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A look back on 2023

A look back on 2023

It’s been another busy year for all at Yoti. We launched a new Digital ID app with Lloyds Bank, continued to campaign for a safer internet, recertified as a B Corp and completed over 6.5 million age and identity checks every month. That and much more! Here’s a lookback on some of our favourite highlights from the year…    Launched a new Digital ID app with Lloyds Bank Lloyds Bank released a new Digital ID app – Lloyds Bank Smart ID. The app, which is built using our technology, gives people a more private, secure and convenient way to prove

5 min read
An illustration of a balaclava-wearing criminal on a laptop screen, with a Christmas hat positioned on top of the laptop

Stay Merry and Scam-Free: Avoiding a Criminal Christmas

With identity fraud peaking over the festive season and many shoppers now doing the bulk of their Christmas shopping online, it’s more important than ever to know how to protect yourself and your personal information.  Louise Bruder, our Super Recogniser and Training Manager, is well equipped to share her top tips on how to stay safe this festive season:   Check who you’re buying gifts from If you’re planning to buy your loved one a gift from an online marketplace it’s important to know who you’re buying from. After all, it’s very common for scammers to list fake concert tickets

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Yoti and ROC.ai logos presented together

Yoti selects ROC.ai’s facial recognition software to enhance identity verification solutions

13th December 2023, London, UK – Yoti is delighted to announce it will start using ROC.ai’s world-class facial recognition software across its suite of ID platform services. A progressive, innovative leader in AI-powered computer vision and biometrics, ROC.ai’s facial recognition algorithms have been independently tested by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). Their solutions are trusted by the US Department of Defence, federal and state law enforcement agencies, and some of the world’s leading financial institutions. ROC.ai is committed to delivering technology that respects privacy and works for all races, ages and genders. This is outlined in

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An illustration of a face being marked as "over 18". The accompanying text says "Exploring social purpose: Age assurance".

Addressing social challenges: How age assurance can help solve everyday problems

Everything we do at Yoti is with our social purpose in mind. From developing our products to driving regulatory change, we’re always thinking about the challenges we can help solve. This series looks at how our products could meaningfully benefit individual people and wider society. This article focuses on our age assurance solutions, which include facial age estimation, reusable Digital IDs and age verification with a document.   Ensure children only access age-appropriate content online It is becoming increasingly easy for young people to access the internet. Therefore it’s vital that young people can only access age-appropriate content. Unfortunately, many

8 min read
Yoti and Jigsaw dating logos presented together

Jigsaw Dating partners with Yoti to ensure trustworthy profiles

Members can only connect with other daters once they are verified, reducing the risks of fake profiles and fraud London, UK, 28th November 2023 – Jigsaw Dating has integrated Yoti’s photo verification technology to confirm every dating profile belongs to a real person. The move aims to give daters more confidence and transparency over who they connect with online. On account creation, all members are required to take a selfie, which Yoti verifies to ensure it is a real person. This stops people from using fake profile photos. Yoti’s passive liveness technology, MyFace, confirms the selfie is taken by a

4 min read
Graphic representing "Automated + Human" ID checks done together for maximum efficiency and effectiveness

Why automated technology with human fallback provides optimal results

Some identity providers claim that fully automated processes are the way forward. Whilst we agree that technology can improve and streamline processes, there are times when it’s valuable to have a human involved.  Every business we talk to has different requirements for identity verification. This could be because of differing laws and their application in different regions, a varying risk appetite or wanting to ‘do the right thing’ to engender trust and increase success rates.  When it comes to identity verification technology, there might be some scenarios where it’s helpful to use the skills of our security team. For instance:

3 min read

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