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Rachael Trotman

Our communications manager for all things press and news.

Preview of Yoti's Digital ID fact sheet

Digital IDs: the facts

Phones have transformed so many aspects of our lives and yet, the way we prove who we are hasn’t changed. We’re still asked to show paper documents each time we need to prove who we are. This can be inconvenient, time consuming and insecure.  Using a passport or driving licence each time we need to prove our age or identity means we share more information than necessary. After all, it’s not possible to use a driving licence to prove your age, without showing the whole document and sharing details like your full name and address too.  We can do

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Woman surrounded by green plants using her smartphone

2.5 million Scots are using myaccount and Yoti to improve everyday admin tasks

In 2014, the Improvement Service, the organisation for local government improvement in Scotland, launched myaccount, a single sign-on portal that gives citizens access to different online public sector services. The Improvement Service started working with Yoti as some public sector services require a higher level of identity assurance. Since launching, 50% of the eligible population (2.5 million people) are now using myaccount to make everyday admin tasks easier, quicker and more secure. Over one million National Entitlement Card (NEC) applications have been submitted online, with Yoti verifying the identity of every applicant. The time for someone to receive

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5 million UK Digital ID Downloads! with a product screen from each EasyID, Smart ID, and Yoti ID, which make up the Digital ID Connect network

Five million UK Digital ID downloads

Today, we’re excited to announce that five million of you in the UK have downloaded a Digital ID. We want to say a big thank you to everyone who has chosen one of our Digital ID apps. It’s a clear sign that people want an easier and more private way to prove who they are.   Your Digital ID: your choice We have always believed in choice. The choice to use a digital ID and a choice in which digital ID to use. It’s one of the main reasons we, along with Post Office and Lloyds Bank, created Digital ID

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Tiles of logos on a dark blue background including dropbox, gusto and google drive among others

Introducing integrations: making it easier for you to use Yoti

Today, we’re launching our integrations, helping businesses streamline identity and age verification processes and embed them within their existing software. So far, we have over 70 integrations. That’s more than any other identity company.    Yoti integrates into over 70 of the biggest SAAS products  From video conferencing platforms, HR platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) tools and financing and accounting software, you can benefit from our verification solutions without the expensive integration costs. We’ll build, monitor and manage the integrated systems you choose – there’s no need to allocate the time and resources of your team.  Streamlining verification processes within

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Thoughts from our CEO

In this blog series, our CEO Robin Tombs will be sharing his experience, whilst focusing on major themes, news and issues in the world of identity verification and age assurance. Digital IDs have been a hot topic this month. Robin spoke to Times Radio about digital IDs and shares some more thoughts on them below. He also addresses some inaccurate claims about facial age estimation.   Digital IDs are a focus for the new government The new UK government is clear that individuals should be able to use certified digital IDs to prove who they are with more businesses. This

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Yoti calls on new government to update legislation, support digital IDs and prioritise online safety

As the new government looks ahead and plans what details to include in the new laws mentioned in the King’s Speech, we have outlined some key focus areas where leveraging technology at relatively low cost can unlock digital transformation in the UK and accelerate economic growth.   Updating the Mandatory Licensing Conditions  Whilst it’s encouraging to see the new government intends to introduce a new law protecting retail staff from verbal and physical abuse, prevention is better than cure and retailers all confirm that checking age is one of the events that triggers abuse. We urge the new government

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