Amba Karsondas Profile Picture

Amba Karsondas

Amba is responsible for all things Social Purpose at Yoti, ensuring that Yoti effectively balances profit with purpose and continually upholds its ethical and moral commitments.

An illustration of a face being marked as "over 18". The accompanying text says "Exploring social purpose: Age assurance".

Addressing social challenges: How age assurance can help solve everyday problems

Everything we do at Yoti is with our social purpose in mind. From developing our products to driving regulatory change, we’re always thinking about the challenges we can help solve. This series looks at how our products could meaningfully benefit individual people and wider society. This article focuses on our age assurance solutions, which include facial age estimation, reusable Digital IDs and age verification with a document.   Ensure children only access age-appropriate content online It is becoming increasingly easy for young people to access the internet. Therefore it’s vital that young people can only access age-appropriate content. Unfortunately, many

8 min read
Facial age estimation, reusable digital ID and Age verification with a document are all methods of age assurance

Offering choice in age assurance methods

New regulations are being introduced that require platforms to create age-appropriate experiences. These include the UK’s Online Safety Bill, the EU’s Better Internet for Kids strategy and country-specific Children’s Codes. These regulations aim to help young people thrive online by ensuring they are only exposed to age-appropriate content. It ensures that only adults can access certain goods, services and experiences or enter legal contracts. It also means that adults are kept out of spaces designed exclusively for children. To do this, platforms need to check the ages of their users so that they can design their sites accordingly.   How

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An illustration of a Digital ID app. The accompanying text says "Exploring social purpose: Digital ID".

Addressing social challenges: How a Digital ID can help solve everyday problems

At Yoti, social purpose is at the heart of everything we do. When we create new products, we try to think of the social challenges that our technology could help tackle. In this case, that’s helping people prove who they are, safely and securely. This series explores the potential of our products to meaningfully help individual users and wider society. This article focuses on the everyday problems that Digital IDs can help to solve.   What can you use a Digital ID for? You need an identity, or some way of proving who you are, to access a variety of

7 min read
Image of three ISO certification symbols for ISO 27701, ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.

Prioritising privacy and security: Yoti's commitment to meeting ISO standards

We’re committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that we have recently been certified to meet ISO 9001 and ISO 27701 standards. This is a huge achievement for us as it confirms that our quality management system and data protection policies and procedures meet international standards. These sit alongside ISO 27001 which we’ve met since 2015.   What are ISO standards? The International Standards Organisation (ISO) is an independent body made up of industry experts from around the world. They’ve created a series of standards which cover almost all aspects of

6 min read
An infographic detailing the stages of effective facial age estimation. This is presented as three layers. The first layer is facial age estimation with liveness detection only. The description reads "check the person behind the camera is a 'live' person and not a photo or video." The second layer adds independent testing. The description reads "have a credible third party assess the technology for data compliance, bias and accuracy". The third layer adds injection attack detection. It reads "add robust anti-spoofing technology at the point an image is being taken to detect injection attacks.

Effective facial age estimation: a privacy-preserving approach to age assurance

For platforms to deliver age-appropriate content, they need to know the age of their users. Age estimation technology can provide an inclusive and accessible solution. It’s possible to estimate a person’s age from a number of features, including their voice, face, palm or fingerprints. Some age estimation methods are very accurate. Others collect little or even no personal data. But very few can do both. When done to a high standard, effective facial age estimation can offer a high level of privacy and a high level of assurance.   Age estimation in the real world Consider the following situation: a

8 min read
An image of three illustrations. The first is an ear, the second is an eye and the third is a finger tapping on something. Basically it’s an illustration summing up accessibility and the key things we look for whenever we release a new page or product. Audio, sight/visuals and touch.

Yoti Identity Verification achieves WCAG 2.2 Level AA for accessibility

Our Identity Verification solution has achieved Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 Level A and Level AA for accessibility. This is a huge milestone for us as one of our founding principles is to ‘make Yoti available to anyone’.   WCAG 2.2 Level A and Level AA WCAG’s framework is used as a benchmark for accessibility regulations around the world. To achieve WCAG 2.2, we had to meet all A and AA criteria. Level A conformance requirements prohibit elements that make the product inaccessible. If products don’t meet Level A criteria, they’re almost impossible for people with disabilities to use.

6 min read