Digital ID

We've partnered with OneFamily to help UK teenagers take ownership of their Child Trust Funds with the Yoti app

Yoti has partnered with OneFamily to make life easier for its 1.6 million child trust fund account holders who can now take control of their accounts with our digital identity app.   OneFamily OneFamily holds around a quarter of the UK’s child trust funds (CTFs), which are tax-free savings accounts that were awarded to every child born between 1 September 2002 and 1 January 2011.  On Tuesday 1 September 2020, the first recipients will be eligible to access their funds. It’s anticipated that the OneFamily accounts will mature at the rate of around 20,000 per month from September for the

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No fuss teen-friendly tech for child trust fund holders

London, UK – 25th May 2020: Friendly society OneFamily is to use teen-friendly tech to make life easier for its 1.6 million child trust fund account holders, as their accounts mature from September this year. OneFamily holds around a quarter of the UK’s child trust funds.  It will be working with digital identity platform Yoti to manage the secure identification of its young customers as they begin to take control of their accounts.   Child trust funds were awarded to every child born between 1 September 2002 and 1 January 2011.  On Tuesday 1 September 2020, the first recipients will be

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Yoti logo on blue background

Yoti develops global code of practice for a privacy-focused approach to sharing personal health data and Covid-19 credentials

Helps health clinics, pharmacies and hospitals verify identities and issue test results onto individuals phones LONDON – 05/05/20 Digital identity platform Yoti has developed a privacy focussed approach to sharing Covid-19 test credentials using biometrics and anti-spoofing technology. It is backed by a global Code of Practice that’s designed to protect individuals sharing verified health test results with organisations. The solution helps health organisations issue, update and revoke trusted health credentials onto an individual’s free Yoti app through the secure Yoti platform. This ensures the highest standards of health data management and transparency for those that have the authority

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Building a secure credential management platform

Over the last ten years, we have seen a massive trend to digitalise everything that fits in your wallet. Credit cards, identity cards, keys, and even your scribbled-down passwords – digital wallets offer the ability to store an encrypted digital version of your credentials on your phone. But why stop at what fits in your wallet? What if you could keep all of your data secure and only share what’s strictly necessary with third parties? The potential for digital credentials has never been stronger than right now in the coronavirus crisis. Issuing third-party credentials to a citizen’s phone could hold

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Yoti and NHS logos presented together

Yoti develops NHS England and NHS Improvement digital ID card to help Covid-19 staffing pressures and improve safeguarding

Staff IDs verified with the Yoti app to provide a digital identity that preserves privacy and boosts security LONDON – 09/04/20 – NHS England and NHS Improvement have begun deploying a secure digital ID card solution from Yoti that puts employees’ NHS ID cards on their phone. The contactless ID app can be used to prove NHS identity online and in person in seconds with a tap of a button or scan of a QR code. It is designed to support the rapid and agile deployment of key workers into health services during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Digital

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native and Yoti present: the Untoutable Tour featuring Sigma

Yoti, the digital identity app with 6 million downloads and student experience platform, native, have developed a new system that tackles ticket touts using digital identities. The innovative approach will be showcased through ‘the Untoutable Tour featuring Sigma’ with six UK events in November and December, highlighting how technology can make events ‘untoutable’. The UK’s secondary ticketing market is estimated to generate £1bn each year with a significant cost to fans, artists and the industry. Independent research commissioned by FanFair Alliance has revealed that the money diverted into the pockets of touts leads to a dramatic drop in spending on

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