Digital ID

Over 85,000 downloads for Yoti and EasyID apps in September

Big first steps for Post Office EasyID and Yoti creating the UK’s trusted identity network

It’s only been a month or so since the Post Office EasyID joined the Yoti ID app here in the UK and we’re delighted to share the progress we’ve made on our mission to build the UK’s trusted identity network.  Over 85,000 people downloaded the Yoti or EasyID app to join our UK network in September alone, a positive indicator that many people want to take control of their data and protect their privacy with a safer way to prove who they are. Together we make it easier and safer for people to prove their identity

2 min read
Yoti partners with Revoke to help users to reduce their digital footprint

How big is your digital footprint? Tech expert Gus Fraser tells us how he's fixing the personal data crisis

At Yoti, one of our seven ethical principles is to encourage the personal ownership of data, which is why we are thrilled to have spoken with Gus Fraser, CEO of Revoke, about all things data and privacy. Revoke is the company striving to fix the personal data crisis for individuals. In this Q&A, Gus tells us more about how to manage our ‘digital footprint’, and how tools like Revoke can help individuals avoid data breaches and hacks. *** Tell me about Revoke and what data and privacy means to you. Revoke helps people to regain control of their

7 min read
We've just hit 10 million yoti app downloads

Welcoming our ten millionth Yoti app download 🚀

We started out in 2014 with a huge, complex task built around a simple mission – to fix the broken identity system and make it simpler and safer for people to prove who they are. This has been our driving force from day one and will continue to shape how we develop our business and products. It’s our purpose. Yoti has grown from a small team with the goal of putting people’s ID on their phone, to a global identity network verifying people and their ID documents from over 195 countries. This is now backed by

2 min read
Yoti partners with Kingston Unity to allow CTF holders an easy way to take control of their accounts

Kingston Unity customers can take control of their CTFs with Yoti Digital ID

We’ve partnered with Kingston Unity to give Child Trust Fund (CTF) holders an easy way of taking control of their accounts with our digital identity app.   Kingston Unity Kingston Unity is a friendly society based in Yorkshire. Unlike banks, they’re owned by their members, they don’t run for shareholder profit. They’ve been looking after their members’ money and best interests since 1840, and will be verifying thousands of CTF account holders over the next 8.5 years.   What’s a CTF? Child Trust Funds (CTFs) are tax-free savings accounts that were introduced by the government as a

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Aldershot Town FC and Yoti unite

Aldershot Town FC becomes the first UK Football League club to adopt digital IDs

As manager Danny Searle and his Aldershot Town FC players get ready for the up and coming 20-21 season in the English National League – they will be the first football team to get their player ID on their phone.  The move is intended to boost security around key locations and digitally transform outdated processes, waving goodbye to paper around the pitch and training ground. The players will use a simple scan using their phone to share their verified digital identity from Yoti while protecting their privacy. Aldershot Town FC Chairman, Shahid Azeem, said “We’re focused on building

3 min read
Houses of parliament, housing the UK government

The UK government's digital identity consultation response

We’re pleased to see the publication of the UK government’s Digital Identity: Consultation Response. We and others, like techUK, have been calling on the government to reveal its plans for digital identity and this response is a step in the right direction. There are three things that we particularly like. Principles-based approach First, the need for a principles-based approach, spanning privacy, transparency, inclusivity, interoperability, proportionality and good governance. Yoti was founded on core business principles, which have enabled us to develop a suite of digital identity products with the user’s interests at their core.  It’s good to

3 min read