Yoti blog

Stories and insights from the world of digital identity

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Preview of the PDF document entitled "The importance of accessible and inclusive Identity verification"

Report: The importance of accessible and inclusive identity verification

A recent YouGov survey of 2,000 GB adults found that 69% have proved their identity online using a physical document. Of those, 71% found the process easy to use.  Whilst almost half (47%) said they would prefer to prove their identity online, 26% said they would prefer to do this at a Post Office. One in five (20%) expressed no preference. With more services moving online, identity verification needs to be as accessible and inclusive as possible.  Through our partnership with Post Office, we are making strides to ensure our solutions cater to as many people as possible. We offer

2 min read
A lady using a log-in page on a laptop

OpenID Connect: In a Nutshell

There is a lot of information available about OpenID Connect (OIDC). A quick search online and it’s easy to get lost in technical jargon and still be left clueless as to what it actually is and if it could be useful for your business.  In this blog, we cut through the noise and break it down for you. How did OpenID Connect come to be? Less than a decade ago, businesses in the online retail, search and social media spaces required you to set up an account and your details were stored.  This created two problems: you had to sign

4 min read
An image of a young person wearing a set of headphones and using their smartphone

Online Safety Act becomes law

After years of debate and discussion, the Online Safety Act is now law – marking a new chapter in online safety. There are three key elements within the Online Safety Act that we are ready to help with: Age assurance to help platforms create safe, age-appropriate experiences online User verification to give users more control over who they interact with online Over 18 consent from content creators for the publication of intimate images   Age assurance in the Online Safety Act The Online Safety Act is not about excluding children from the internet. It’s about giving them an experience

5 min read
Facial age estimation, reusable digital ID and Age verification with a document are all methods of age assurance

Offering choice in age assurance methods

New regulations are being introduced that require platforms to create age-appropriate experiences. These include the UK’s Online Safety Bill, the EU’s Better Internet for Kids strategy and country-specific Children’s Codes. These regulations aim to help young people thrive online by ensuring they are only exposed to age-appropriate content. It ensures that only adults can access certain goods, services and experiences or enter legal contracts. It also means that adults are kept out of spaces designed exclusively for children. To do this, platforms need to check the ages of their users so that they can design their sites accordingly.   How

7 min read
An illustration of a Digital ID app. The accompanying text says "Exploring social purpose: Digital ID".

Addressing social challenges: How a Digital ID can help solve everyday problems

At Yoti, social purpose is at the heart of everything we do. When we create new products, we try to think of the social challenges that our technology could help tackle. In this case, that’s helping people prove who they are, safely and securely. This series explores the potential of our products to meaningfully help individual users and wider society. This article focuses on the everyday problems that Digital IDs can help to solve.   What can you use a Digital ID for? You need an identity, or some way of proving who you are, to access a variety of

7 min read
An image with the Yoti and Post Office logos at the top. Underneath these, the text reads "150,000 Digital ID checks per month". Below this the text says "DBS, Right to work, Right to Rent"

Post Office and Yoti lead the way in accessible identity checks

It’s been 18 months since Post Office and Yoti became the first Identity Service Provider (IDSP) to be certified under the Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework, to complete online right to work, right to rent and DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks. Each year over 7 million DBS checks are completed, alongside a further estimated 10 million right to work and 3 million right to rent checks. Whilst many businesses are still performing these checks in person, the UK government regulatory changes to allow these to be done online have been a huge success. There are now 44 IDSPs

3 min read

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