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Thoughts from our CEO - Sept 2024

Thoughts from our CEO

In this blog series, our CEO Robin Tombs will be sharing his experience, whilst focusing on major themes, news and issues in the world of identity verification and age assurance. This month, Robin chats about the popularity of digital right to work checks, the new Teen Accounts on Instagram, why facial age estimation is effective for children, intimate image abuse and responds to another misleading Crikey article.   34% of people choose Digital ID to prove their identity for DBS checks Since June 2022, Yoti has completed over 1.6 million right to work (RTW) checks and over 0.93 million

8 min read
An image of the Instagram icon with the words "Teen Accounts" written around it. To the bottom left of the image are five icons: a padlock, a photo and video icon, two people, a messaging icon and a clock.

Helping Instagram to create safer online experiences with new Teen Accounts

From today, Meta is introducing new ‘Teen Accounts’ on Instagram for users under the age of 18. This change aims to help parents keep their teens safe online, by including features that have built-in protections. These include the ability to set daily usage limits, restrict access during certain hours and monitor their child’s interactions, such as the accounts they are messaging and the types of content they’re engaging with on the platform. New users under the age of 18 are, by default, given the strictest privacy settings. Under the new guidelines, teens aged between 16 and 18 will be

2 min read
Image of woman's face being estimated for age, which is not the same as facial recongition

Why Yoti’s facial age estimation is not facial recognition

There’s quite a bit of confusion about the differences between facial age estimation and facial recognition. While both types of technology work with images of faces, they’re used for different reasons and are trained in different ways. To help clear up some of these misconceptions, we’ve explained some of the key ways that our facial age estimation is not facial recognition.   Facial age estimation vs. facial recognition: designed to give two different outcomes. Facial age estimation delivers an estimated age result. Facial recognition delivers a match (or no match) between images of a person. [vc_column_text

9 min read
Thoughts from our CEO - Aug 2024

Thoughts from our CEO

In this blog series, our CEO Robin Tombs will be sharing his experience, whilst focusing on major themes, news and issues in the world of identity verification and age assurance. This month, Robin gives a preview of our upcoming facial age estimation white paper, responds to an inaccurate Washington Post article, and chats about our new integrations.   A sneak peak at our latest white paper The latest Yoti facial age estimation model is an absolute banger. We’ll be publishing more detail in our next white paper soon but for those eager to better understand the accuracy for

6 min read
Preview of Yoti's Digital ID fact sheet

Digital IDs: the facts

Phones have transformed so many aspects of our lives and yet, the way we prove who we are hasn’t changed. We’re still asked to show paper documents each time we need to prove who we are. This can be inconvenient, time consuming and insecure.  Using a passport or driving licence each time we need to prove our age or identity means we share more information than necessary. After all, it’s not possible to use a driving licence to prove your age, without showing the whole document and sharing details like your full name and address too.  We can do

2 min read
5 million UK Digital ID Downloads! with a product screen from each EasyID, Smart ID, and Yoti ID, which make up the Digital ID Connect network

Five million UK Digital ID downloads

Today, we’re excited to announce that five million of you in the UK have downloaded a Digital ID. We want to say a big thank you to everyone who has chosen one of our Digital ID apps. It’s a clear sign that people want an easier and more private way to prove who they are.   Your Digital ID: your choice We have always believed in choice. The choice to use a digital ID and a choice in which digital ID to use. It’s one of the main reasons we, along with Post Office and Lloyds Bank, created Digital ID

3 min read