
Yoti partners with Childline and IWF

Yoti delivers age verification for Childline and the IWF ‘Report Remove’ tool that helps young people remove nude images and videos shared online

Protecting children online We’re dedicated to using our identity platform as a force for good. We work with experts to explore the challenges people face and help solve these problems using our secure, privacy-preserving technology. One area we passionately support is child protection. NSPCC’s Childline approached us with a challenge that they were tackling with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF). To help young people report sexually explicit images of themselves on the internet for removal.  Any young person can report a nude image or video of themselves online and the IWF will work to have it

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Person using Yoti's eWitnessing feature on laptop as per the new guidance

Electronic witnessing in line with HM Land Registry guidance

Her Majesty’s Land Registry (HMLR) has released new guidance that allows for registration transfers and certain other deeds to be signed electronically in the UK. This means that solicitors and conveyancers can now carry out the document witnessing process using Yoti eSign.   What are conveyancer-certified electronic signatures? Conveyancer-certified electronic signatures which were recently referred to as eWitnessing, like physical witnessing, is the third-party overseeing of the signer, with the added benefit of being undertaken electronically. This means that, with an eSignature platform, witnessing documents is made much easier for law firms and conveyancers alike, with processes that

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woman looking at phone

Yoti named in the latest cohort of the FCA’s digital sandbox

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve been accepted into the FCA regulatory sandbox, which is designed to test innovative financial products and services. We believe that the Yoti digital ID app will transform many everyday experiences. It’s great to be able to show how Yoti can make life simpler and safer for financial organisations and their customers. The reusable Yoti digital ID app with enhanced fraud screening capability will help transform the customer experience, access to finance and fraud prevention in the prepaid card market. We’ll be delivering this with two of our valued partners, Synectics Solutions

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Our approach to tracking and analytics

We set up Yoti to give people a safer way of proving who they are. Instead of giving over your full identity details each time you had to prove one thing about yourself, we built an app that stores your ID as attributes that you can share individually.  With the Yoti app, you can just share the fact that you are over 18, and keep the rest of your information, including your date of birth, private. This approach is called data minimisation and is designed to protect your privacy. We do verify your ID document is

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We've just hit 10 million yoti app downloads

Welcoming our ten millionth Yoti app download 🚀

We started out in 2014 with a huge, complex task built around a simple mission – to fix the broken identity system and make it simpler and safer for people to prove who they are. This has been our driving force from day one and will continue to shape how we develop our business and products. It’s our purpose. Yoti has grown from a small team with the goal of putting people’s ID on their phone, to a global identity network verifying people and their ID documents from over 195 countries. This is now backed by

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an image of two joyful people, looking at each other and laughing together

African Conservation Challenge: digital identity to foster trusted community engagement

We’re excited to announce the launch of our latest social purpose initiative – an African Conservation Challenge exploring the use of digital identities to help foster authentic, trusted, dignified online dialogue between communities and other stakeholders engaged in conservation across the Southern Africa region. The Challenge is open to individuals and organisations based anywhere in Africa, and comes with a prize of $15,000.   Background Historically, rural voices have been either missing or largely ignored in much of the debate and decision making around the management of natural resources, particularly wildlife, in Africa. It is widely

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