
Our approach to tracking and analytics

We set up Yoti to give people a safer way of proving who they are. Instead of giving over your full identity details each time you had to prove one thing about yourself, we built an app that stores your ID as attributes that you can share individually.  With the Yoti app, you can just share the fact that you are over 18, and keep the rest of your information, including your date of birth, private. This approach is called data minimisation and is designed to protect your privacy. We do verify your ID document is

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We've just hit 10 million yoti app downloads

Welcoming our ten millionth Yoti app download 🚀

We started out in 2014 with a huge, complex task built around a simple mission – to fix the broken identity system and make it simpler and safer for people to prove who they are. This has been our driving force from day one and will continue to shape how we develop our business and products. It’s our purpose. Yoti has grown from a small team with the goal of putting people’s ID on their phone, to a global identity network verifying people and their ID documents from over 195 countries. This is now backed by

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an image of two joyful people, looking at each other and laughing together

African Conservation Challenge: digital identity to foster trusted community engagement

We’re excited to announce the launch of our latest social purpose initiative – an African Conservation Challenge exploring the use of digital identities to help foster authentic, trusted, dignified online dialogue between communities and other stakeholders engaged in conservation across the Southern Africa region. The Challenge is open to individuals and organisations based anywhere in Africa, and comes with a prize of $15,000.   Background Historically, rural voices have been either missing or largely ignored in much of the debate and decision making around the management of natural resources, particularly wildlife, in Africa. It is widely

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Practice guide 81: digital identity verification for conveyancing

On 12 March 2021, Her Majesty’s Land Registry (HMLR) published its first digital identity standard, practice guide 81 (PG81). The standard is aimed at encouraging the use of digital identity to reduce the inconvenience and inconsistency of manually verifying a client’s identity during the homebuying process.  Reducing the need for physical document checks performed by non-specialists can mitigate opportunities for fraud, increase convenience and lower costs for all parties involved in the home buying process.   The standard follows the draft set of requirements, published in November 2020, which Yoti provided feedback on.   Practice guide 81:

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Developing age estimation technology to tackle grooming online

Last month, Yoti Guardian Gavin Starks chaired our third stakeholder roundtable on the next proposed stage of the development of our age estimation technology.   We brought together fifty five guests from seven countries, including representatives from 5rights, Apps for Good, Be In Touch South Africa, Breck Foundation, Caribou Digital, CyberSafeIreland, Digital Policy Alliance, FSM Germany – Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter, GoBubble, IEEE, Interactive Software Federation of Europe, International Committee of the Red Cross, Internet Commission, Internet Watch Foundation, Irish Data Protection Commission, Keele University, KJM German Federal Agency for the Protection of Minors, London School of Economics,

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safer internet day 2021 logo

Helping to protect kids this Safer Internet Day and beyond

Ahead of the Age Appropriate Design Code, many companies are looking at how to provide age-appropriate services, messaging, content and, crucially for parents, how to deter grooming.  We are working in the ICO Sandbox with partners including child-content moderation SaaS GoBubble (GoBubbleWrap), to further develop our privacy-preserving age estimation technology so that it can accurately estimate the age of children under 13. This vital ICO Sandbox partnership will offer child-centric content moderation with global scalability on a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis. This will include privacy information and accessible parental consent mechanisms, including the option

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