
Yoti and Post Office certified for additional DIAFT identity profiles for DBS basic, standard and enhanced

Yoti and Post Office have been certified for additional identity profiles under the UK Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework (DIAFT) for digital ID verification for the Digital Barring Service (DBS) scheme.  These new routes give candidates more choice and flexibility in the documents they can use to complete ID verification as part of a DBS check. This functionality will be live in the Yoti Identity Verification service at the end of November and is made possible thanks to a longstanding partnership with data insight specialist and Attribute Service Provider (ASP) Synectics Solutions. Chris Lewis, Head of Solutions at Synectic

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Yoti and Post Office gain UK government approval as certified identity provider for DBS, Right to Work and Right to Rent checks

Yoti and Post Office gain UK government approval as certified identity provider for DBS, Right to Work and Right to Rent checks

We are delighted to announce that Yoti and Post Office are the first to be a certified digital identity service provider (IDSP) under the UK Digital Identity & Attributes Trust Framework, for Right to Work, Right to Rent and criminal records checks.   A significant milestone for Yoti and digital identity This announcement marks the first time that a digital identity app has been approved by the UK government, and our partnership with Post Office has enabled us to bring a unique identity offering to the market. The Yoti and EasyID reusable digital ID apps give people straightforward way to

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Woman looking at phone smiling

Yoti age estimation approved by German regulator KJM for the highest level of age assurance covering 18+ adult content

We are delighted to announce that Yoti’s Facial Age Estimation technology has now been approved by the German regulator, KJM, for the highest level of age assurance. This means it can now be used for 18+ adult content.   In November 2021, Yoti’s Facial Age Estimation technology was approved for 16+ (erotic) content so today’s news is a significant new development as it demonstrates that our technology has passed the highest levels of regulatory scrutiny in Germany. This is the first time age estimation has been approved for use by any regulator at the highest level for the sensitive area of

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Person using Yoti's age assurance solutions

Our age assurance solutions are approved by German regulators KJM and FSM to protect young people online

We’re excited to announce that The Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media (KJM) has approved our facial age estimation tool (formerly known as Yoti Age Scan) to be used in the German market to protect young people online. You can read the KJM press release here. This follows our approval from the German Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Digital Media service providers (FSM) in 2020, which allowed German people to use digital age estimation and age verification technology for the first time ever to access digital adult content. You can read the FSM seal text here.

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Yoti approved to commence accreditation as a private digital identity provider under the Australian Government’s Trusted Digital Identity Framework

We have now been approved to commence accreditation as an identity provider under the Australian Government’s Trusted Digital Identity Framework (TDIF). The stringent accreditation process has already begun to validate the Yoti app and embedded ID verification platform under the TDIF accreditation standards. Accreditation will enable us to perform digital identity transactions to relying parties and verify individuals to a high level of trust.   Trusted Digital Identity Framework: making space for digital ID As part of Australia’s drive to be a leading digital economy by 2030, the Australian Government Digital Identity System – led by

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Reinforcing our commitment to protecting children from online harms by joining the Point de Contact association

We are delighted to announce we have been accepted into the Point de Contact association to help the fight against abuse and inappropriate online content. Point de Contact was created in 1998 to contribute to the fight against illegal content on the internet and facilitate the reporting of child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Point de Contact is also a member of the French Monitoring Committee for protecting children from online pornography and has been supported by successive European Commission programs. Point de Contact is a founding member of INHOPE – the International Association of Internet Hotlines which unites over 40

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