
A woman holding her mobile devise to her face to scan her biometrics.

How facial biometric verification protects your customers from identity fraud

Back in the day, identity theft mostly involved fraudsters stealing personal information, such as credit card details, to commit fraud or impersonate others in person. It was a pretty straightforward game of cat and mouse between fraudsters and a business, typically carried out face-to-face. As the world has become more digitised, identity fraud has evolved to meet this digital world. One powerful solution in our arsenal against identity fraud is biometric verification. Let’s dive into what it is, how it works, and why it’s crucial for keeping your customers and online community safe. What is identity fraud? Identity fraud

7 min read
Padlock representing Yoti's security levels

Our approach to security and privacy

Just as the right to identity is a fundamental human right, privacy is too. We created Yoti to give everybody a secure, privacy-friendly way of proving their identity, online and in person. Privacy and security, therefore, aren’t just our priority but our raison d’etre. Our free Yoti app is built with privacy and security at its core and harnesses data minimisation techniques that enable you to share less data.  We have a rigorous approach to security and have built an innovative database architecture designed to protect against data breaches or cybersecurity attacks. To ensure that we are held accountable, we

7 min read
a decorative image of the DataKind UK logo. Multiple copies of the same logo are arranged randomly in a pile on a light brown wooden surface.

DataKind UK's #7 Data Science and Ethics Book Club at Yoti

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting the seventh Data Science and Ethics Book Club, organised by our friends at DataKind UK. This was the final book club of the year and the topic up for discussion was AI and race. This is a hugely important conversation to advance as our lives become increasingly digital and influenced by algorithms and machine learning.   The reading list  The main book that anchored the evening’s talk was Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin, which provides an accessible but deep understanding about how technology can replicate and exacerbate racial inequality. This was

3 min read

Compliance at Yoti and why it matters to you

Updated 29th November 2019 to reflect change of SOC 2 classification from SOC 2 Type 1 to SOC 2 Type II.   We do things differently to most tech companies. We’re proud of the fact that we always put compliance and our community first and we like to shout about it. The way we handle security and compliance is key to protecting your data. If we didn’t get that right, how could we expect anyone to trust us? And without trust, why would anyone use our app? So, with that in mind, here’s a run-through of the three main compliance

3 min read