Yoti ‘Selfie Days’: how can we help?
Here at Yoti we’re committed to social change. Whether that be gifting the use of our identity platform to registered non-profits, or lending out our office space to charities for meetings and public events, or assisting humanitarian organisations with identity needs in the developing world. We like to think that doing good is core to everything we do. So it might come as no surprise to hear about something we’re particularly proud of – Yoti Selfie Days. In short, everyone at Yoti gets five days a year for personal development or to support charitable and socially-focused causes. They get to
Our Guardian Council
At Yoti, one of our core principles that guides our development is, ‘Be transparent and accountable’. Trust in technology companies appears to be on the decline, most likely because of data misappropriation and a lack of transparency. As a tech company that interacts with personal user data, integrity is paramount in everything we do. Our business cannot function without being trustworthy, so we’ve put measures in place to make sure we are always adhering to our principles and ethical framework. This is why we’ve integrated several initiatives into our operations to make sure we never stray from our core principles, one of