Meet the Volunteer Edinburgh digital volunteer ID card!
There has been an incredible citizen response to the coronavirus crisis, with people signing up in their thousands to offer their support in any way they can. But as charities and volunteer groups bolster their ranks, the prohibitive costs and logistical issues of distributing ID cards has become a serious safeguarding issue. Which is why we’re delighted to be supporting Volunteer Edinburgh with digital volunteer ID cards that they can issue directly to a volunteer’s phone. Volunteer Edinburgh works with some of the most vulnerable citizens in Edinburgh. As they deploy 1,400 volunteers through the Scottish Government’s Scotland Cares, being
Transforming the shopping experience with StrongPoint and automated age checks
We have joined forces with StrongPoint to transform the retail experience with automated technology that makes shopping smoother, faster and safer. Since the beginning of our collaboration back in 2018, we have streamlined Click & Collect, tobacco dispensing and automated self-checkout solutions to reduce the need for staff interventions. This gives shoppers a seamless and contactless experience, while saving retailers time and money. Our latest proposition is to introduce our anonymous age estimation technology, Yoti Age Scan, in StrongPoint self-checkouts, Click & Collect lockers and Vensafe dispensing machines. Customers will also be able to prove their age using their
Numbered Humans: the new podcast from our Digital Identity Fellows
We’re very excited to announce the launch of Numbered Humans, the new podcast from our 2019 Yoti Digital Identity Fellows. In each episode, you’ll hear from Paz Bernaldo in Argentina, Tshepo Magoma in South Africa and Subhashish Panigrahi in India, as they reveal some of the key issues that have emerged during the first six months of their research. Digital identity in marginalised communities The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people around the world and, as expected, the worst-hit are those already living in poverty, and the excluded and marginalised. We know that
We've partnered with OneFamily to help UK teenagers take ownership of their Child Trust Funds with the Yoti app
Yoti has partnered with OneFamily to make life easier for its 1.6 million child trust fund account holders who can now take control of their accounts with our digital identity app. OneFamily OneFamily holds around a quarter of the UK’s child trust funds (CTFs), which are tax-free savings accounts that were awarded to every child born between 1 September 2002 and 1 January 2011. On Tuesday 1 September 2020, the first recipients will be eligible to access their funds. It’s anticipated that the OneFamily accounts will mature at the rate of around 20,000 per month from September for the
Successfully completing HIPAA Compliance Readiness Assessment
We are delighted to confirm we have received a HIPAA compliance readiness report from an independent auditor. This gives us and our clients comfort that Yoti fulfils all requirements in the HIPAA Security Rules and the Privacy Rules. As Yoti has been built from day one with security and privacy at its core, we only needed to explain our architecture and control environment to our independent assessors, Corporate Prime Solutions. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was created to modernise the flow of healthcare information, and set out how personally identifiable information is maintained. Our HIPAA
People ask me: What do you mean by ‘digital identity’?
This is the third field diary entry from Paz, one of our Digital Identity Fellows. Her year-long research project is focused on unravelling what digital identity, and identity in general, means to the unemployed and under-employed individuals receiving support from public job centres and local labour organisations in Gran Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata in Argentina. ***** The image at the top of this article is a photo I took of a piece of paper with some phone contacts I was given at a public job centre office. They had ‘recycled’ people’s ID photocopies. I walked away with