
Endeavour Project

Project Endeavour: eKYC and customer acquisition platform

Project Endeavour is our partnership pilot which combines our best-in-class digital identity technology with anti-fraud and AML risk screening data services from Synectics Solutions. Our shared tool is designed to enable customers to onboard instantly with a financial institution using their phone. Low risk customers, who make up roughly 90% of a customer portfolio of a Tier 1 UK bank, will be identified and granted instant access to products and services via a third-party marketplace.

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Developing our anonymous age estimation technology

Having spent the last six years building a digital identity platform, we’ve made some impressive advancements in the age checking space. Our free app is a powerful tool that lets anyone convert their government-issued ID document into an encrypted, digital ID. Once verified, users can share age details, such as ‘Over 18’ or ‘Under 18’, without revealing their entire date of birth.   Age checks without an ID document After delivering age verification in this way for a few years, it struck us that in the UK 33% of under 18s and 24% of over 18s do

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Virgin Atlantic trials pre-flight Covid-19 testing for crew using FRANKD with Yoti

We’re excited to share the news that Virgin Atlantic is the first UK airline to introduce Covid-19 pre-flight testing for its cabin crew and pilots. Britain’s Global Five Star Airline has begun trialing our FRANKD with Yoti Covid-19 testing solution on flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong, with the introduction of Barbados and additional flights planned later in the month. The aim is a wider roll out to test every operating crew at least once per month.    Rapid testing using FRANKD with Yoti This move follows Heathrow Airport trials in August using FRANKD, which is a

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covid test result digital id screen

COVID-19: A Basic Primer

Given the work we’re doing to enable health testing organisations to offer digital credential management of test results, we are being asked many questions by businesses and journalists, so we are sharing our internal basic primer. We hope you find this helpful. Read report

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Phone screen of sharing health credentials

It’s My Health: Sharing Health Credentials

Our draft Code of Practice serves as an initial framework for the secure sharing of health data for a range of purposes, including creating a Health Test Credential. The key organisations covered by these standards are those that; Test and issue test results or certificates; Provide the Health Test Credential; and Require information on an individual’s health status.   The pillars of the Code are; Trusted identity verification of individuals Trusted and transparent health testing of individuals by authorities Trusted storage of credentials or Health Data Trusted presentation and transfer of Health Test Credentials Privacy requirements [vc_btn

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Phone screen showing two methods of identity verification - with the Yoti app or scanning their ID document

ID checks with the Yoti app

The Yoti app gives you a secure, simple way to prove your identity online or in person. It’s as simple as uploading your ID document and taking a selfie. We make sure your face matches your ID document and then convert it into a digital format, securing your details with encryption so that no one else but you can see them. Your selfie acts like your biometric key, letting only you into your app and keeping others out. Products: Yoti Digital ID

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