DataKind UK: using data science for good
We invest a lot of time and effort into supporting other socially minded organisations. As part of our efforts, we regularly invite those organisations to use our Park area for meetups, talks and workshops. Last week we hosted DataKind UK and Global Witness who spoke to a large audience of friends and supporters about their work uncovering problems in the UK’s Companies Register. In this guest post, Suzy East from DataKind UK tells us a bit more about the project they presented. Using data science for good What do you get if you cross four do-gooding data scientists, a
Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to object
The fifth blogpost in our series on GDPR rights is about the objection right. Catch up on previous articles on your right to be informed, your access right, your correction right, and your deletion right. Part 5: The right to object There is already a right to object in current UK data protection law (the right to prevent processing), but it is set out a little differently to the GDPR right. In both current law and GDPR there are two aspects to this right: The right to object to direct marketing. The right to object to other processing of
Introducing Yoti Password Manager
It’s safe to say that most of us are fed up with usernames and passwords. We know we should use stronger, unique passwords. It’s just that it’s not that easy to remember 14 random numbers and letters, is it. It’s hard enough to remember the variants you have of the one password you use for most of your accounts and websites, let alone a unique password for each one. The problem with passwords Good job then, that passwords are as rubbish as we are at remembering them. Passwords just aren’t adequate for protecting our online accounts anymore. The number
In the Spotlight with Leo, Growth and Partnerships Executive at Yoti
Last week we released our “Little Casanova” video which highlights the potential pitfalls of not knowing who you’re meeting, and the ease at which someone can create a fake profile online and pretend to be someone else. We caught up with Leo, Growth and Partnerships Executive at Yoti, who explains how you can use Yoti to check the identity of people you meet. Yoti can be used to check the identity of another person, why would I need to do that? Meeting new people is a part of everyday life. The problem is, we often need to trust these
Yoti is helping to make everybody good2rent
Renting a property has long been the norm, especially amongst Millennials. But tenants are facing fierce competition when it comes to securing their dream rental home and many are losing out. A huge contributing factor to this situation is the existing prolonged ID & referencing system. Something Yoti has enabled good2rent to make faster, easier and safer. good2rent is a tenant-led referencing solution for the digital age that puts renters back in control. Tenants use Yoti, a digital identity app, to easily ID themselves so they can then start building their renting profile. Their good2rent profile includes previous landlord &
Yoti's 2nd Charity Hack
Last week, we hosted our second charity design hack, here at the new Yoti HQ. We design our charity hacks with two aims in mind. The first is to explore the ways in which the Yoti identity platform (which is free-of-charge for eligible charities) can help non-profits solve local and global problems. The second is to help provide the tools and nurture the confidence of charity staff to embrace digital technology. In the spirit of being agile, we adapt the format of the event based on feedback and experience. Like our event in February, last week’s hack took the form