Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to data portability
The seventh article in our series on GDPR rights is about the right to data portability. Catch up on previous articles about your right to be informed, the access right, correction right, deletion right, objection right, restriction right. Part 7: The right to data portability This is a new right under GDPR and its aim is to allow individuals to be able to easily get back certain personal information so they can do other things with it, or give it to another company. There are two aspects to the right: The right to get back some information. The right
Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to correct data
The third article in our series on GDPR rights is about the correction right. See here for previous articles on your right to be informed, and the second on the access right. Part 3: The right to correct data The right to correct inaccurate personal information is an existing right. It has always been the case that if you discover an organisation has inaccurate information about you, you have the right to correct it. It also links with the organisation’s responsibility to have accurate and up to date data. In current UK law this right is set up as
Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to access
The second article in our series on GDPR rights is about the access right. See here for the first article on your right to be informed. Part 2: The right to access The right to access your own personal information has existed in the UK since 1984. It is considered a cornerstone of privacy law and is often the main way to understand exactly what information an organisation holds about you, and what they are doing with it. GDPR only changes small details of this right. You will continue to have the right to know if the organisation does
Digital identity in the last mile: lessons from Africa
Here at Yoti, we believe in the benefits of a digital identity for all. As we continue to ramp up our efforts in the humanitarian sector, we recently commissioned research to better understand digital identity needs among grassroots nonprofits in the developing world. In this guest post, Kevin Madegwa – our African research lead – shares his approach and findings from the continent. Look out for a second guest post on our findings in South East Asia coming soon. Digital identity in the last mile Identity research is not something I had thought too much about until I was
Using Yoti as ID at festivals and clubs in Jersey
This summer marks the first time that Yoti can be used as ID at festivals. Last weekend, on a sunny Saturday on the island of Jersey, revellers at Out There festival used the Yoti app to prove they were over 18 and gain entry to the festival. Instead of having to take valuable ID documents to events, people in Jersey can now use Yoti to securely store and share their personal details. Meaning their passports stay safe at home when they head out for a night (or whole day) of drinking. The new way to prove who you are
New adventures in digital identity
A few months ago, as I planned my move to a new Head of Social Impact role at Yoti, I started to do a little digging into who was saying what, and doing what, in the world of digital identity. At the risk of stating the obvious, it’s a bit of a hot topic right now (along with drones, big data, AI and 3D printing). I wasn’t surprised to find well over two dozen fairly recent papers and reports on the challenges and potential of digital identity in global development. Between accepting my new role and my start date, someone