A recent YouGov survey of 2,000 GB adults found that 69% have proved their identity online using a physical document. Of those, 71% found the process easy to use.
Whilst almost half (47%) said they would prefer to prove their identity online, 26% said they would prefer to do this at a Post Office. One in five (20%) expressed no preference. With more services moving online, identity verification needs to be as accessible and inclusive as possible.
Through our partnership with Post Office, we are making strides to ensure our solutions cater to as many people as possible. We offer three identity verification options:
- Online identity verification
- Reusable Digital ID app
- In-branch verification
We believe this approach creates the most inclusive identity solution on the market. Yoti and Post Office can help verify the majority of people online whilst offering an alternative for those who can’t or don’t wish to verify their identity this way.
Together, our mission is to provide businesses across the UK with a secure solution to help prevent identity fraud and to give people a convenient and safe way of proving their identity – online or at a Post Office.
This report explores how identity checks can be inclusive and accessible, especially for those who can’t or don’t wish to use online services.